Superlative, Tremendous, Stunning, and Staggering;]!!!
hA because you get candy for doing what your supposed to do hahahaha lol j/k at school they aren't allowed to give candy because its against Texas school policy. But school is so much awesomer because there is where you start going after your dream and do what you have to do to get there!
{NEW SUBJECT] Here in the pictures with me our our class pets hehehehehe;] just kiddin i have som of the most wonderul NEW friends that I meet this year. Martha [The blonde girl} Natalie [Brown haired girl} ha they are awesome we joke around all day and have our own dictionary we made. we speak a special code to eachother and its funny because alot of people say they know how to speak piglatin but they dont even know when were using it! hA but a sample of one of our wards is Awesomer;] how easy ;] ha yeah I know were smarticle;] The girl with the text on the picture is kayY;] She is a Cool beans kinds girl;] She is one of my closest friends;] Even though she laughs at everything but guess what i laugh with her;] lol Me with the ig sucker i got from my mom she is awesome;] These girlies i have wrote about are the best;] NEW

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